Syndicated Passion

Coffee Time

What is the first thing that you do when you wake up in the morning? Let me guess, you cook breakfast! How about an epic serving of peanut butter pancakes? Well, if I know one thing, pancakes always need a side of coffee.

Coffee is my first language in the morning, and yes, I love pancakes as well. So, I hope that you have the same love affair upon waking up in the morning.

I started drinking coffee about a year after high school and it has been one of my greatest loves ever since.

With that said, I felt that it would be fitting to offer a Syndicated Passion brand of coffee cups, because coffee just tastes better from that favorite mug. You know, the one that fits your hand so well, and reads with a script to tell.   

I will be kicking off this collection with the Seven Diamonds theme.

Seven Diamonds is a poem that I wrote and designed with enough versatility to have a different meaning for anyone who reads it, and to be perfectly honest, that meaning continually evolves for me as well.

Evolution is inevitable in life, so anytime we can capture it, it becomes a noteworthy moment.

I hope that you enjoy Seven Diamonds as much as I do. It comes from the deepest fibers imaginable to connect one with their romantic journey.

Syndicated Passion coffee cups are made personally just for you, so each order could take up to 2-weeks for delivery.

Thank you for reading this post.

Get inspired and lead with passion.. Syndicated Passion!

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