Syndicated Passion

Her Looking Glass

Wine is supposed to be for good times and laughter, and in most cases, it usually delivers those sediments. However, for this writing, we will be drinking our struggles away.

Away from a wine-colored class into our looking glass. A wine-colored class of people (a mythical class of people for this writing) love to judge other people based on their life struggles, and they also love a glass of wine.

With that said, they are a class of people that sometimes judge middle class working adults unfairly. Sometimes a beautiful working-class woman.

And that is the theme to the writing “her looking glass.”

This midwestern middle class girl is having a glass of wine to drink her struggles away. She is trying to find her values once again. She wants to win back her status as an upper middle class working women.

Somewhere along her journey she has lost sight of what is important to her in life. She has allowed the other class of people to beat her down in relationships along the way. And now, she is letting it all pour out through lavender glass (wine).

She is pouring deep into her looking glass self. Analyzing who she really is at this moment in time, and who she wants to be in the future.

We all go through our struggles in life and sometimes we need to think about hitting the reset button if we are not happy with our life circumstances, so I hope that this theme can relate to your life.

Now, to be clear, I used the mythical term (wine-colored class) to try and not be judgmental while still making the writing have some authentic bang to make it enjoyable to read.

The message to the writing is to show that we all have personal struggles and that we can hit the reset button to overcome our struggle.  

I hope that this writing inspires you.

“Her looking glass” is available for purchase in the wall art section.

All products are made personally just for you, so they can take up to 2 weeks for delivery.

Thank you for reading this post.

Get inspired and lead with passion.. Syndicated Passion!

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